The pollen project is to devise, create and maintain a network for Psychology lecturers. Based in Scotland, though with relevance internationally, this blog has been designed as a starting point for the network: a space in which lecturers and teaching staff in psychology and related disciplines can create databases of learning materials, share good practice and collaborate on teaching and learning projects.

The broad aims of pollen are to:
(1) Undertake and support small research and service development projects as proposed by Scottish lecturers in psychology.
(2) Organise seminars on teaching and learning in psychology.
(3) Submit research proposals for further funding on teaching and learning in psychology in conjunction with Scottish psychology departments.
(4) Create a website to promote the work of pollen.
(5) Promote and disseminate good practice in teaching and learning within psychology in Scotland.

Friday 10 January 2014

Supervising qualitative dissertations: new research underway

The 'Teaching Qualitative Psychology' special interest group of the Higher Education Academy (see is currently undertaking research to identify the experiences and needs of psychology lecturing staff across the UK in relation to the supervision of undergraduate qualitative psychology dissertations (sometimes known as 'empirical projects'). The aim of the project is to examine the current status of needs and support for these tutors, so that potential resources can be identified for future development. To date, the project has been collecting data in the North-east of England, and is now commencing in Scotland. If you are a psychology lecturer/tutor who is, or has, supervised qualitative psychology dissertations/projects at undergraduate level then please get in touch with Sally Wiggins: for further details. 

UPDATE August 2015. This research project has now been published in Qualitative Research in Psychology and can be accessed here: